Squirrels are ever-present creatures known for their agility and adaptability. While they often inhabit wooded areas and parks, they can also find their way into residential homes, posing potential risks and nuisances to homeowners. Recognizing the signs of squirrel activity and implementing preventive measures are crucial steps in safeguarding your home against these intruders.

Recognizing Squirrel Activity

  1. Auditory Signs: Squirrels are active animals, and their movements within your home may produce noticeable sounds such as scratching, scurrying, or gnawing. Pay attention to any unusual noises coming from attics, walls, or ceilings, especially during early morning or evening hours when squirrels are most active.


  1. Visual Indicators: Sightings of squirrels entering or exiting your home through gaps, vents, or openings are clear indicators of their presence. Additionally, look for chewed or damaged areas around rooflines, fascia boards, and attic vents, as squirrels often gnaw on these structures to gain entry.


  1. Droppings and Odors: Squirrel droppings resemble small, elongated pellets and are typically found near entry points or nesting areas. Additionally, the presence of foul odors, often caused by squirrel urine and feces, may indicate an infestation.


Preventing Squirrel Infestations

  1. Seal Entry Points: Conduct a thorough inspection of your home's exterior and seal any potential entry points, including gaps in roofing, vents, chimneys, and utility lines. Use durable materials such as steel mesh or hardware cloth to block access points, as squirrels are adept at chewing through weaker barriers.


  1. Trim Overhanging Branches: Squirrels often gain access to homes by using overhanging tree branches as pathways. Trim tree branches that come in proximity with your home's roof or walls to minimize potential entry points.


  1. Secure Trash Bins: Ensure that outdoor trash bins are securely closed and inaccessible to squirrels. Use tight-fitting lids or consider installing bungee cords or locks to prevent scavenging.


  1. Remove Food Sources: Squirrels are attracted to food sources such as bird feeders, pet food, and unsecured garbage. Minimize attractants by removing fallen fruits, securing garbage bins, and positioning bird feeders away from your home's exterior.


  1. Professional Assistance: In cases of persistent squirrel activity or extensive damage, seek professional assistance from wildlife removal experts. Trained professionals, like those of Critter Control Wichita, can safely and humanely remove squirrels from your property and implement long-term prevention strategies.


By recognizing the signs of squirrel activity and taking proactive measures to prevent infestations, homeowners can effectively protect their homes from potential damage and disturbances caused by these agile rodents. For professional assistance with squirrel removal and prevention services in Wichita, trust the expertise of Critter Control Wichita.


If you are concerned about a squirrel problem in your home, squirrels in attics or would like assistance with sealing squirrel entry points to your basement or attic, call the experts at Critter Control today at (316) 512- 2630 for professional services!